General Terms and Conditions

Duna Autó Plc. Online Store


1. Preamble
The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) is to comprehensively regulate the terms of use of the online store operated by DUNA AUTÓ Commercial and Service Private Limited Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Service Provider” or “Duna Autó”) and accessible via the website, as well as the general terms and conditions of the services provided by the Service Provider.

2. General and Interpretative Provisions
By purchasing through the online store via electronic ordering, a sales contract is concluded between the Service Provider and the person using the service (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”) under the conditions specified in these GTC. The contract is an internet-based agreement that is not considered a written contract; its content is recorded and archived exclusively electronically and is accessible and retrievable retrospectively, with no reference to a code of conduct.
By placing an order on the website, the Customer expressly acknowledges and accepts the contractual terms set forth in these GTC by ticking the checkbox provided for this purpose on the online store’s order management interface, agreeing to all its provisions and recognizing them as binding.

2.1. Scope of the GTC

2.1.1. Personal Scope of the GTC
These GTC apply to the legal relationship established between the Service Provider, as the seller, and the Customer, as the buyer, through electronic orders made via the online store.

2.1.2. Material Scope of the GTC
These GTC fully and automatically regulate the terms of the sales and delivery relationship established between the Service Provider, as the seller, and the Customer, as the buyer.

2.1.3. Territorial Scope of the GTC
These GTC apply to all legal transactions concluded between the Service Provider, as the seller, and the Customer, as the buyer, within the territory of Hungary.

2.1.4. Temporal Scope of the GTC
These GTC come into effect on the date of their publication, with the terms becoming binding on individual customers upon placing an order on the online store’s website. These GTC shall cease to be effective in case of withdrawal or modification. In evaluating specific actions in the legal relationship between the parties or in the event of a dispute, the GTC provisions in effect at the time of the order placement shall always apply.

2.2. Availability and Modification of the GTC
The Service Provider publishes the current version of the GTC on the online store’s website and on the Application interface, making it accessible and public to all Customers.
The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally modify the GTC without any time limitation – except as specified by law and beyond those outlined in these GTC – whenever justified by changes in economic or service conditions, particularly the need for service development, significant changes in the terms related to the service (e.g., supplementary services, related procedures, intermediaries in performance), or changes in technology (e.g., product characteristics, terminology).
The Service Provider is obliged to publish the amended GTC text on the website at least fifteen (15) days before the amendment comes into effect. The amendment must be published in such a way that the parties can clearly determine the fact of the amendment, the date of its entry into force, and the provisions affected by the amendment.
By accepting the GTC, the user placing an order without registration also undertakes to acknowledge the provisions of the GTC unilaterally amended by the Service Provider and recognizes them as binding.

2.3. Definitions

2.3.1. Service Provider: For the purposes of this GTC, the service provider is DUNA AUTÓ Commercial and Service Private Limited Company (short company name: Duna Autó Zrt., registered office: 1037 Budapest, Zay Street 24., company registration number: 01-10-043065, tax number: 12135790-2-44).

2.3.2. Customer: For the purposes of these GTC, the customer is any natural or legal person, or any other organization without legal personality or other economic entity, that uses the Service.

2.3.3. Service: The service provided by the Service Provider that can be used without registration in the online store available on, by which the Service Provider undertakes to transfer ownership of the products selected by the Customer and to deliver them to the Customer, while the Customer undertakes to pay the purchase price of the products and to receive them.

2.3.4. Product: All goods listed in the Service Provider’s product catalog and available in the online store, for which the Service Provider undertakes to transfer ownership and deliver under the conditions specified in these GTC.

2.3.5. The website of the online store operated by the Service Provider, through which the Customer can place an order exclusively electronically.

2.3.6. Consumer: A natural person acting outside the scope of their profession, independent occupation, or business activity when ordering products subject to these GTC and concluding contracts for their purchase.

3. Use of the Service

3.1. Registration
The Customer can purchase from the online store without registration; there is no option to create a user account. During the purchase process, the Customer is required to provide their email address. Additionally, to ensure the fulfillment of the service provided by the Service Provider, the Customer must provide their personal data, contact details, and accurate delivery and billing information to the Service Provider, which can be modified at any time in the manner specified in these GTC.
During the purchase process, the Customer can finalize their order by verifying the data provided, expressly accepting the provisions of the GTC, and acknowledging the contents of the Privacy Policy. The Service Provider will notify the Customer of the successful purchase via a message displayed on the site and a confirmation email sent to the email address provided during the purchase.
After selecting the desired product and shipping method, the Customer can choose from the available payment methods.
When placing an order in the online store, by ticking the checkbox provided for this purpose on the website, the Customer acknowledges and accepts the provisions of these GTC as binding and declares that they have familiarized themselves with the contents of the Privacy Policy. If the Customer does not accept the provisions of these GTC or does not declare that they have familiarized themselves with the contents of the Privacy Policy, they are not entitled to place an order for the selected products on
The Customer bears full liability for any potential damages resulting from data entry errors or the provision of false data or the failure to update data in the event of a change. The Service Provider is entitled to cancel any obviously erroneous or false purchases and, in case of doubt, is entitled to verify the authenticity of the data provided by the Customer.

3.2. Range of Purchasable Products
The online store offers various categories of electric vehicle chargers (AC chargers) and optionally purchasable stands, distributed by the Service Provider. The product sheets include detailed descriptions of the products, their essential properties, and their uses.
The Service Provider guarantees that the products available in the online store are of excellent quality, sourced exclusively from verified manufacturers or distributors.
The Service Provider takes the utmost care in preparing and/or having the images of the products published in the online store; however, the images serve illustrative purposes, and the packaging of individual products may differ from what is seen on the website.

3.3. Order Placement
Orders can only be placed electronically through the online store available on the website, operated by the Service Provider, without prior registration. The Service Provider does not accept orders placed by phone, fax, postal mail, or electronic mail. Order confirmations and related information will also be sent electronically to the email address provided during the order process.
During the order process, the Customer can select the desired product(s), view the product description, availability, and price by clicking on the selected product in the online store. After selecting the product, it can be added to a virtual cart by clicking the “Add to Cart” button. By clicking on the “Cart” icon in the top right corner of the online store, the Customer can check the products placed in the cart, their quantities, and their purchase price. The Customer can return to the product page of the online store and continue shopping by clicking on the “Continue Shopping” button, or modify the quantity of selected products or delete them by clicking the “Edit Cart” button. By clicking the “Delete” button next to the products, the Customer can delete each product individually from the
cart. After clicking on the “Order” button, the Customer can log in to their account if they have not done so previously, register, or purchase without registration. The Customer can then enter the necessary shipping information, choose from the available shipping and payment methods, enter a coupon or promotional code, and finally review the order details and finalize the order. During the finalization of the order, the Service Provider will provide information about the essential characteristics of the selected product(s), the total amount payable (including VAT), and all additional costs (e.g., packaging, postal, shipping fees). The system allows the Customer to review and modify the above information before finalizing the order. By finalizing the order, the Customer explicitly acknowledges and accepts the information provided by the Service Provider.
After verifying and finalizing the order details – particularly the range and quantity of products, the total payable amount, and the payment and shipping method – the Customer can place the order for the selected product(s) by clicking the “Order” button.
By placing the order, the Customer explicitly acknowledges and accepts the information provided by the Service Provider and understands that the declaration made in the context of the order (e.g., clicking the “Order” button) entails a payment obligation.

3.4. Product Availability
After placing the order, the Service Provider will immediately send an automatic notification confirming the receipt of the order. The Service Provider will verify the feasibility of the order after receipt and will confirm the order by electronic message as soon as possible, but no later than within 48 hours. The Service Provider guarantees the price of the product(s) and the total payable amount as confirmed in this way.
The order and its confirmation are deemed received by the Service Provider and the Customer when they become accessible to them. The Service Provider assumes no responsibility if the confirmation does not reach the Customer due to incorrect email address entry or if the email account is inaccessible to the Customer due to full storage capacity.
If the confirmation is not received by the Customer within 48 hours of sending the order, the Customer is released from the obligation to make an offer or fulfill the contract.
The Service Provider ensures the availability of appropriate, effective, and accessible technical tools to enable the Customer to identify and correct data entry errors before submitting the order electronically.
If the ordered product is not available after placing the order, or if the product marked as “available” cannot be procured within the timeframe indicated in the online store, the Service Provider reserves the right not to accept the order for the affected product. If the Customer has only ordered one product, no contract will be formed between the Customer and the Service Provider, and the Service Provider will cancel the order. However, if the Customer has ordered multiple products simultaneously, a contract will only be formed between the Customer and the Service Provider for the products for which there are no obstacles to fulfilling the order.
The Service Provider will inform the Customer in writing without undue delay of the products for which the order cannot be fulfilled and any potential order cancellation. Additionally, if the Customer has already paid for the order in advance, the Service Provider will promptly, but no later than within thirty (30) days after the notification, refund the purchase price of the product(s) for which the order
cannot be fulfilled. If the order is canceled, the Service Provider will also arrange for the refund of any incurred shipping costs in addition to the pre-paid purchase price.
The Service Provider reserves the right not to accept the placed order – while simultaneously notifying the Customer – in any of the following cases:

If a price of 0 HUF, 1 HUF, or an unrealistically low price compared to the market value of the product is displayed in the online store;

If the Customer is not entitled to use the discount or coupon they applied during the order;

If the Customer has chosen the payment method by credit card and the transaction is not authorized by the financial institution issuing the Customer’s credit card;

If the Customer has chosen the payment method by credit card and the Service Provider’s online payment partner cannot process the transaction for reasons not attributable to the Service Provider;

If the Customer provides false information or fails to provide the necessary data for fulfilling the order.
The Service Provider reserves the right to modify the range of products and their prices available through the Service and the online store at any time. The Service Provider will inform all users of the essential details of any price discounts or other promotions (such as promotions and prize draws) applicable to products available in the online store – particularly their extent and duration, conditions and limitations of use, and participation – through the online store. The terms announced during the promotion period will apply to the order placed by the Customer and the fulfillment of the Service concerning the affected products or services.
3.5. Delivery and Shipping Fees
The Service Provider undertakes to package the quantity of products specified by the Customer in the order placed through the online store and confirmed by the Service Provider, and deliver them to the address specified by the Customer within Hungary according to the chosen delivery method. The products will be handed over to the Customer or a third party designated by the Customer at the specified address.
Delivery to postal or other addresses outside the territory of Hungary is not possible.
Deliveries are made by courier service or postal service, and the Service Provider also offers the option of personal pickup for the ordered products. The Service Provider will always inform the Customer about the available delivery methods, the delivery deadlines undertaken by the Service Provider, and any changes to these deadlines on the website under the “Shipping Information” section. Additionally, the available delivery methods and associated delivery deadlines will be displayed to the Customer before placing the order. Upon delivery, the Customer is required to immediately, but no later than within 36 hours, inspect the product for quantity and packaging.
The Service Provider is not liable for any damages suffered by the Customer due to providing a non-existent or incorrect phone number during the order process. The Service Provider draws the Customer’s attention to the fact that if the Customer provides a phone number belonging to a foreign mobile service provider during registration or the order process, the Service Provider is not responsible if the delivery partner does not notify the Customer via SMS about the delivery – due to
technical or other reasons – or does not directly contact the Customer by phone before the product delivery. The Service Provider is also not liable if the delivery of the ordered product fails due to any of the above reasons.

3.6. Payment Methods
Based on the order placed by the Customer and confirmed electronically, the Service Provider will issue an invoice for the Service, which will be sent directly to the Customer by the Service Provider’s billing service partner via email, in a printable format.
The prices of the products, as indicated in Hungarian forints, are displayed on the Service Provider’s website. These prices include VAT. The Service Provider reserves the right to modify the prices of the products unilaterally at any time.
The electronic order confirmation will include the total price and shipping cost of the specific order. The Customer can pay for the ordered and delivered product and the shipping fee to the Service Provider using the following payment methods:
a. Cash on delivery to the courier service/postal service representative; b. Direct bank transfer; c. Online credit card payment;
I. Online Credit Card Payment
The Service Provider offers the Customer a convenient and secure shopping experience in the online store through online credit card payment. The Customer can use VISA and Mastercard credit cards to make purchases in the online store. To do so, the Customer simply needs to select the credit card payment method during the order process and enter the credit card number, the so-called credit card verification code (CVC, CCV, or CSC – the three-digit security code on the back of the card), and the expiration date of the credit card on the payment interface. The Service Provider draws the Customer’s attention to the fact that credit cards issued exclusively for electronic use can only be accepted if the issuing bank has authorized their use. The Customer must inquire with their own bank whether their card can be used for purchases in the online store.
What should be known about the 3D-Secure service?
The 3D-Secure is an international service that provides additional security for online credit card payment transactions. The 3D-Secure increases security when the Customer pays by credit card online by linking a unique transaction number (TAN) to the payment transaction. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent third parties from misusing card data on the internet.
Good to know: Mastercard refers to the 3D-Secure service as Mastercard Identity Check (formerly: Mastercard® SecureCode™), VISA as Visa Secure (formerly: Verified by Visa), and American Express as Safekey.
Why is the 3D-Secure procedure used?
Legislators have required European banks to provide even greater security for online credit card payments. According to the specified statutory security requirements, the identity of the cardholder must be verified. The 3D-Secure procedure meets this requirement by using a TAN application or SMS identification. All European online merchants are required to use this secure payment method.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) also requires that the paying person be uniquely identified. To achieve effective identification, the paying person must have at least two of the following elements:

Knowledge: e.g., PIN code and other security questions known only to the customer.

Possession: e.g., smartphone, token, and other devices exclusively owned by the customer.

Inherence: e.g., fingerprint and all biometric characteristics that uniquely identify the customer.
If the Customer has not yet used the 3D-Secure procedure, we recommend contacting their bank or card issuer.
II. Payment Using Google Pay or Apple Pay
The Customer has the option to pay for their order in the online store using Google Pay or Apple Pay. To do this, the Customer simply needs to select the Google Pay or Apple Pay payment method in the online store and approve the payment by logging into their Google Pay or Apple Pay account.
The Service Provider informs the Customer that payment with Google Pay is entirely secure. This technology assigns a virtual card number to the Customer’s credit card instead of the actual card number, so the actual card number is not stored and is not passed on to the Service Provider. Moreover, the Customer’s phone does not store the card number, so even if the phone falls into unauthorized hands, no third party can access the Customer’s card details.
The Service Provider informs the Customer that Apple Pay is more secure than physical debit, credit, or prepaid cards. Payment with an iPhone, Apple Watch, Mac, or iPad requires the use of Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode. Apple does not transmit the Customer’s credit card number or identity to the Service Provider and does not store the actual card number on the Customer’s device or Apple servers. Apple does not retain transaction data from card payments that can be traced back to the Customer.
In the case of online credit card payment, PayPal account payment, or payment using Google Pay or Apple Pay, the product price is considered paid when the amount is credited to the Service Provider’s bank account. The Service Provider will only begin shipping the ordered products after the Customer has paid the price using these payment methods.
The Service Provider draws the Customer’s attention to the fact that in the following cases, the purchase price of the ordered products can only be settled using a PayPal account, Google Pay or Apple Pay, or online credit card payment, or direct bank transfer:

If the Customer chooses to collect the order from a parcel locker or collection point, or

If the Customer places an order exceeding a total value of 300,000 HUF.
The Service Provider reserves the right to suspend the delivery of new orders if the Customer has any overdue payments to the Service Provider. The Service Provider also reserves the right to suspend the delivery of new orders if the Customer has failed to receive the ordered products at the designated delivery address due to reasons attributable to the Customer in at least two consecutive orders. The suspension of delivery will remain in effect until the Customer settles their overdue payment with the Service Provider. In the event of late payment, the Service Provider is entitled to charge late payment interest as stipulated by law.
The Service Provider reserves the right to accept new orders from a Customer who has failed to receive the ordered products at the designated delivery address in at least two consecutive instances only if the Customer pays the purchase price of the ordered products in advance and then collects them in person. The Service Provider draws the Customer’s attention to the fact that if the Customer selects the cash-on-delivery payment method for their next order despite the circumstances described in this section, the Service Provider is entitled to refuse to accept this order.
If the Customer has failed to collect their order on two occasions, the condition for lifting the suspension of delivery is that the Customer pays the purchase price of the products in the new order in advance and collects them in person. The Service Provider will also inform the Customer in writing about the suspension of delivery and the conditions for lifting the suspension.
If the Customer fails to fully or partially settle the overdue payment within eight (8) days of receiving the Service Provider’s above notice, the Service Provider is entitled to cancel the order. In the event of order cancellation, the Service Provider is entitled to charge and invoice the Customer for the reasonable costs incurred in connection with the failure and cancellation of the delivery.
In the case of personal collection, the Service Provider will notify the Customer by email about the availability of the product for collection. The Service Provider will keep the product ordered by the Customer available for five (5) working days from the above notification. If the Customer fails to collect the ordered product within five (5) working days from the Service Provider, the Service Provider will first call the Customer by phone to prompt the collection of the order and, if this is unsuccessful, will send an email to the Customer informing them of the closure of the order and the conditions for refunding the purchase price. If the Customer fails to collect the ordered product, the Service Provider will refund the purchase price to the Customer by transferring the amount to the bank account specified by the Customer in writing within fourteen (14) days of receiving the Customer’s notice. The Service Provider will not be in delay in fulfilling its refund obligation as long as the Customer has not provided the necessary details for the refund of the purchase price.

3.7. Product Warranty

3.7.1. Warranty of Conformity
The Service Provider provides continuous and adequate information about the products available and orderable in the online store and their properties. The products must be suitable for the purposes for which products of the same type are typically used, must have the quality customary for products of the same type and expected by the Customer, and must possess the characteristics specified by the Service Provider in the description made available in the online store.
The Service Provider is liable for defective performance (warranty of conformity). The Service Provider is considered to have performed defectively if the product does not meet the properties specified by law or contract at the time of delivery (performance), except where the defect results from delivery. In the case of defective performance, the Customer may submit a complaint, which can be communicated to the Service Provider in writing through any of the following channels:
a. As a warranty claim, the Customer may primarily – at their choice – request repair or replacement unless the repair or replacement is impossible or would result in disproportionate additional costs for the Service Provider compared to fulfilling another warranty claim. The Service Provider will fulfill the chosen warranty claim within fifteen (15) days of receiving the complaint, without causing significant
inconvenience to the Customer. If the repair/replacement is expected to exceed fifteen (15) days, the Service Provider will inform the Customer of the expected duration of the repair/replacement.
The Service Provider explicitly states that, due to the nature of the products available in the online store, the Customer may primarily enforce their right to a replacement in the case of defective performance.
b. If the Service Provider has not undertaken the repair or replacement, or if the Customer’s interest in the repair or replacement has ceased, or if the Service Provider does not fulfill its obligation within the above time limit, the Customer may – at their choice – request a proportionate price reduction, repair the product at the Service Provider’s expense, or have it repaired by another party, or withdraw from the contract. Withdrawal is not permitted for minor defects. If the Customer wishes to terminate the contract citing defective performance, the burden of proof lies with the Service Provider to prove that the defect is insignificant.
c. In the event of defective performance, the Customer is also entitled to request a proportionate price reduction or withdraw from the purchase, commensurate with the severity of the breach, if:

The Service Provider has not performed the repair or replacement, or has performed it but failed to retrieve the replaced product at their own expense, or

A recurring performance defect has occurred despite the Service Provider’s attempt to remedy the defect, or

The product’s defect is of such severity that it justifies immediate price reduction or withdrawal, or

The Service Provider has not undertaken to remedy the defect or it is evident from the circumstances that it will not do so within a reasonable period or without causing significant inconvenience to the Customer.
d. If the Customer terminates the contract in whole or in respect of certain products supplied under the contract, then:

The Customer must return the product affected by the withdrawal to the Service Provider at the Service Provider’s expense; and

The Service Provider must immediately refund the Customer the paid purchase price of the affected product as soon as the product or the document proving its return is received.
e. If the defective performance affects only a specific part of the ordered products, and the conditions for withdrawal are met for those products, the Customer may terminate the contract only in respect of the defective product, but is also entitled to withdraw from the purchase in respect of any other products ordered together if it is not reasonably expected of the Customer to keep only those products that were not affected by defective performance.
f. The Customer may switch from the chosen warranty claim to another. However, the cost caused by the switch must be borne by the Service Provider unless the Service Provider caused the switch or the switch was otherwise justified.
g. The Customer is required to notify the Service Provider of the defect as soon as possible after its discovery. A defect reported within two (2) months of its discovery must be considered notified without delay. The Customer is liable for any damage resulting from a delayed notification.
h. Unless proven otherwise, it must be presumed that any defect recognized by the Customer within one (1) year of performance already existed at the time of performance, except where this presumption is incompatible with the nature of the product or the nature of the defect. The Customer’s warranty claim expires two (2) years after the time of performance.

3.7.2. Product Warranty
In the case of a defect in a movable item (product) sold by the Service Provider to the Customer, the Customer may demand that the Service Provider rectify the defect or – if rectification is not possible within a reasonable timeframe without harming the Customer’s interests – replace the product. A product is considered defective if it does not meet the quality requirements in effect at the time of its release by the manufacturer or does not have the properties specified in the manufacturer’s description.
The Service Provider is exempt from the product warranty obligation if it proves that:
a. The product was not manufactured or distributed as part of its business activities or independent profession; b. The defect was not recognizable according to the state of science and technology at the time of the product’s release; or c. The defect was caused by the application of a law or mandatory official regulation.
In other respects, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.), NGM Decree 19/2014 (IV. 29.), and Government Decree 373/2021 (VI. 30.) shall apply to the warranty.

3.7.3. Guarantee
In accordance with its statutory obligations, the Service Provider offers a guarantee exclusively for durable consumer goods available in the online store under the contract concluded with the Customer, who qualifies as a consumer. The guarantee period is 24 months for Duna Watt 11 kW chargers and 36 months for Sunnic 11 and 22 kW chargers, calculated from the date the product is handed over to the Customer.
The Service Provider explicitly informs the Customer that failure to meet these deadlines will result in the loss of rights. However, if the product is repaired, the guarantee period is extended by the time during which the Customer is unable to use the product due to the repair.
During the guarantee period, the Service Provider is obliged to fulfill its obligations under the guarantee according to the conditions specified in the guarantee statement or by law. The Service Provider is exempt from the guarantee obligation if it proves that the defect occurred after performance. The guarantee does not affect the Customer’s other statutory rights, such as warranty and product warranty rights or claims for damages.
The rules specified in section

3.7.1 regarding warranty rights apply to the exercise of the guarantee rights available to the Customer.
During the guarantee period, the Customer may assert their repair claim at the Service Provider’s headquarters, any branch office, or service center listed in the guarantee certificate. The Service Provider informs the Customer that, to exercise the guarantee claim, the presentation of the
guarantee certificate or, in its absence, proof of payment of the purchase price (receipt/invoice) is required.
The Service Provider strives to have the product repaired or replaced within fifteen (15) days of the claim submission when asserting a guarantee claim. If the repair or replacement period exceeds fifteen (15) days, the Service Provider will inform the Customer of the expected duration of the repair/replacement.
If it is determined during the first repair within the guarantee period that the product is not repairable, the Service Provider will replace the product within eight (8) days, or if replacement is not possible, refund the purchase price within eight (8) days, unless the Customer decides otherwise.
If the product has been repaired three times during the guarantee period but fails again, the Service Provider will replace the product within eight (8) days unless the Customer requests another repair or a reduction in the purchase price. If replacement is not possible, the Service Provider will refund the purchase price within eight (8) days.
If the product is not repaired within thirty (30) days of the Customer notifying the Service Provider of the repair request, the Service Provider will replace the product within eight (8) days after the repair deadline, unless the Customer decides otherwise. If replacement is not possible, the Service Provider will refund the purchase price within the above period.

3.8. Right of Withdrawal
The Customer, who qualifies as a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the contract without providing any reason within fourteen (14) days of receiving the product.
The withdrawal period expires:

Fourteen (14) days after the day the Customer or a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer, takes possession of the product;

In the case of multiple products ordered by the Customer in one order and delivered separately, fourteen (14) days after the day the Customer or a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer, takes possession of the last product;

In the case of a product consisting of multiple lots or pieces, fourteen (14) days after the day the Customer or a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer, takes possession of the last lot or piece.
The Customer may exercise their right of withdrawal during the period between the conclusion of the contract and the receipt of the product.
The Customer may exercise their right of withdrawal within the statutory period by submitting an unequivocal written statement addressed to the Service Provider. The withdrawal is considered valid if the Customer sends the statement before the expiry of the withdrawal period.
In the event of withdrawal as described above, the Customer is obliged to return the product at their own expense without undue delay, but no later than fourteen (14) days from the date of communication of the withdrawal, either by post or courier or by handing it over at the Service Provider’s designated location. The return is considered timely if the Customer sends the product before the expiry of the deadline. The Service Provider is unable to accept the return of products sent
as cash on delivery. The Service Provider draws the Customer’s attention to the fact that if the Customer was entitled to a gift in connection with the purchase of the product subject to withdrawal, the Customer must also return the gift received within the above deadline, considering that the withdrawal results in the termination of the ancillary contract related to the sale of the product.
In the event of withdrawal, the Service Provider will refund the full amount paid by the Customer as consideration, including the costs incurred in connection with the performance, without delay, but no later than fourteen (14) days after becoming aware of the withdrawal. The refund will be made using the same payment method used by the Customer unless the Customer expressly agrees to a different payment method, provided that no additional fees are charged to the Customer as a result. If the Customer explicitly chooses a delivery method other than the least expensive standard delivery method, the Service Provider is not required to refund the additional costs incurred.
The Service Provider may withhold the refund until the Customer has returned the product or provided conclusive evidence that the product has been returned, whichever is earlier. The Customer must bear the costs of returning the product. The Service Provider is entitled to claim compensation from the Customer for any depreciation in the value of the product resulting from use beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, properties, and functioning of the product.
The Service Provider explicitly states that, under statutory provisions, the Customer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal, among other things, for a product not prefabricated, made according to the consumer’s instructions or explicit request, or for a product clearly personalized for the consumer.
The limitation or exclusion of the Customer’s right of withdrawal as described above does not affect the Customer’s right to exercise warranty rights for the products purchased in the online store – if the statutory conditions are met.
The Customer may exercise their right of withdrawal using the Withdrawal Statement Form, which is Annex 1 of these GTC, or by submitting an unambiguous written statement. If the Customer wishes to exercise their right of withdrawal, the Service Provider will send the Customer the appropriate statement form upon written request, which the Customer can complete to exercise their right of withdrawal.

3.9. Complaint Handling

3.9.1. Submitting a Complaint to the Service Provider
The Customer is entitled to withdraw the order electronically after placing it but before the Service Provider confirms it. After confirmation by the Service Provider, the Customer can only withdraw the order if they compensate the Service Provider for any damages incurred.
The Customer is required to inspect the package upon delivery and during receipt, and in case of any damage to the product or packaging, they must request a report to be filed and are not obligated to accept the package if damage is observed. If the Customer accepts a damaged package without objection, they bear the burden of proving that the product was damaged during delivery.
If the Customer has any complaints after placing the order or receiving the products, they are entitled to submit a complaint. The Service Provider accepts complaints related to delivery within 36 hours of the delivery time.
Complaints can be submitted by sending an electronic message to the email address, by postal mail to Duna Autó Plc., 1037 Budapest, Zay Street 24, or verbally by calling +36 20 241 1336.
The Service Provider will investigate verbal complaints immediately and, if found justified, will take steps to resolve them. If the Customer disagrees with the handling of the complaint, or if an immediate investigation is not possible, the Service Provider will record the complaint in a report and provide a copy to the Customer. Upon receiving a written complaint, the Service Provider will investigate it within thirty (30) days of receipt and inform the Customer of the results of the investigation and the available remedies if the complaint is rejected.

3.9.2. Submitting a Complaint to the Consumer Protection Authority
A Customer who qualifies as a consumer is entitled to submit a complaint to the consumer protection authority with jurisdiction over the Service Provider’s registered office or the Customer’s place of residence or habitual residence if their consumer rights are violated. The contact details of the consumer protection authorities can be found here: The Service Provider draws the Customer’s attention to the fact that the arbitration board is responsible for investigating and resolving individual consumer cases, meaning the consumer protection authority will refer such cases to the arbitration board ex officio upon their receipt.

3.9.3. Right to Contact the Arbitration Board
If the Customer’s complaint is rejected, they are entitled to contact the competent arbitration board. The Service Provider is obliged to cooperate in the arbitration proceedings.
The competent arbitration board for the Service Provider’s registered office is the Budapest Arbitration Board, whose contact details are as follows:
Budapest Arbitration Board Registered office: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99. III. em. 310. Mailing address: 1253 Budapest, Pf.: 10. Website: Email: Submit an online application: Phone: 06 (1) 488 21 31
The Customer can find the registered office, phone number, internet access, and mailing address of the arbitration board with jurisdiction over their place of residence or habitual residence by visiting and clicking on the link to the relevant arbitration board’s website.

3.9.4. The European Online Dispute Resolution Platform
The online dispute resolution platform provided by the European Union offers an alternative dispute resolution forum for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from obligations under online
sales or service contracts between consumers residing in the Union and traders established in the Union. The European Online Dispute Resolution Platform can be accessed by clicking here.

3.10. Service Provider’s Liability
The Service Provider undertakes to consider the provisions set out in these GTC regarding the operation of the online store and delivery, as well as the information published on the website operated by the Service Provider, as binding and to act accordingly in all cases, as can generally be expected in the given situation.
If the Service Provider does not exercise any right to which it is entitled under these GTC, the failure to exercise the right cannot be considered a waiver of that right.
The Service Provider declares that if the delivery of the ordered product encounters an insurmountable obstacle (e.g., flood, earthquake, public health epidemic, etc.), it will inform the Customer immediately and refund the purchase price of the product already paid in advance.
The Service Provider is not liable for any damages resulting from errors or deficiencies (e.g., operational failures) in the operation of the online store. The Service Provider also excludes liability for damages resulting from errors or deficiencies in the operation of the Application.
The Service Provider always provides appropriate, effective, and accessible technical tools to enable the Customer to identify and correct data entry errors before electronically submitting the order. The Customer has the opportunity to check and correct the data with each order, and therefore, the Service Provider is not liable for damages resulting from incorrect data entry.

3.11. Customer’s Liability
The Customer acknowledges that submitting an order in accordance with these GTC constitutes an offer to contract, which the Customer is bound by. The Customer acknowledges that by registering or, in the case of a non-registered Customer, by placing an order, they accept the provisions of these GTC by ticking the checkbox provided for this purpose on the online store’s order management interface. Failure to comply with these provisions constitutes a breach of contract, for which the Customer is legally liable. By placing an order, the Customer declares that they have read and acknowledged the content of the Privacy Policy prepared and published by the Service Provider, and are aware of the information regarding the processing of personal data.
The Customer declares that the data provided during registration and when placing the order is accurate and undertakes to ensure that the product(s) ordered and confirmed by the Service Provider are received and paid for in accordance with the delivery and payment terms selected during the order process. If the delivery fails due to the Customer’s fault, the Customer is responsible for reimbursing any additional costs incurred as a result to the Service Provider.

4. Miscellaneous Provisions

4.1. Service Provider’s Information
The operator of the online store available at is DUNA AUTÓ Commercial and Service Private Limited Company, as the Service Provider.
Company name: DUNA AUTÓ Commercial and Service Private Limited Company Short company name: Duna Autó Plc. Registered office: 1037 Budapest, Zay Street 24. Company registration number: 01-10-043065 Tax number: 12135790-2-44 Court of Registration: Company Registry Court of the Metropolitan Court of Budapest Electronic Contact, Email:, Phone Numbers: +36 20 241 1336, +36 1 801 4242 Contract Language: Hungarian
The hosting service provider’s registered office and contact information: BlazeArts Ltd., Budapest, Thaly Kálmán St. 39, 1096. The information, photos, and textual content available on the website are the property of DUNA AUTÓ Commercial and Service Private Limited Company.
The Service Provider holds the exclusive rights to use the photos and product descriptions found in the online store as intellectual property; unauthorized copying, transmission, or any other form of use is not permitted.

4.2. Jurisdiction and Governing Law
The legal relationship governed by these GTC is subject to Hungarian law, particularly the Hungarian Civil Code (Act V of 2013), Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce and Information Society Services, Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.) on the Detailed Rules of Contracts Between Consumers and Businesses, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (General Data Protection Regulation), Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information, Government Decree 151/2003 (IX. 22.) on Mandatory Warranties for Certain Durable Goods, and NGM Decree 19/2014 (IV. 29.) on the Procedural Rules for Handling Warranty and Guarantee Claims under Contracts Between Consumers and Businesses, as well as Government Decree 373/2021 (VI. 30.) on the Detailed Rules of Contracts for the Sale of Goods, Digital Content Supply, and Digital Services Between Consumers and Businesses.
The parties aim to resolve any disputes primarily through negotiations, avoiding litigation. If negotiations between the parties do not lead to a resolution or if dispute resolution is expected to be unsuccessful, both the Service Provider and the Customer who qualifies as a consumer may turn to the competent court with jurisdiction under the Code of Civil Procedure (Act CXXX of 2016) to adjudicate the dispute. Contrary to the above, in disputes between the Service Provider and a Customer who does not qualify as a consumer, the competent court – depending on the value of the subject matter – is exclusively the District Court of Budapest II and III Districts (1036 Budapest, Lajos St. 48-66) and the Regional Court of Székesfehérvár (8000 Székesfehérvár, Dózsa Gy. St. 1).
These GTC are effective from August 1, 2024, until their modification or withdrawal.
Duna Watt Ltd. Service Provider